* First name
* Family name
* Gender male female no answer
Date of birth (year-month-day)
* Address
* City
Postal Code
* Country
* Telephone
* E-mail
Country of origin
* Contact person in case of urgency
* Telephone contact person
* Instrument(s)
* Playing level Student Graduate Postgraduate
* Conservatory and teacher
You can spend the night at a local youth hostel. Depending on your choice of accomodation, the total price for the program will vary. Please check out the details of this program on our website.
* Choice of accommodation I want to share a room with two or three other persons (total 3 or 4 per room) I want to share a room with one other person (total 2 per room) I want to have a room for myself
With whom would you like to share a room?
You will receive a copy of this application form in your e-mail. Please check your spamfolder if you do not see the e-mail!